Tuesday 26 December 2017


If there is one chronic condition which has come to define 21st century man, it is obesity. Estimates classify 1/3 of the American population as obese while 2/3 are classed as overweight. Similar statistics are reflected in many developed countries with developing countries jumping on the bandwagon due to increasing adoption of Western diets and lifestyles. 


1 comment:

  1. But Dr. Itua, Traditional Herbal Practitioner in Africa, has cured HIV/Cancer which is extracted from some rare herbs. It is highly potential to cure AIDS & Cancer 100% without any residue. Dr Itua herbal medicine has already passed various blogs on how he uses his powerful herbs to heal all kinds of diseases such as. Herpes, HIV,,Cushing’s disease,Heart failure,Multiple Sclerosis,Hypertension,Colo_Rectal Cancer, Diabetes, Hepatitis,Hpv,Weak Erection Lyme Disease,Blood Cancer,Alzheimer’s disease,Brain Cancer,Breast Cancer,Lung Cancer,Kidney Cancer,Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,

    Dementia.,Wart Remover,Cold Sore, Epilepsy, also his herbal boost immune system as well. I'm telling this because he uses his herbal medicine to cure me from hepatitis B and HIV, which I have been living on for 9 months now with no side effects. Herbal Medicine is just as good when drinking it although i have to use the restroom after drinking it which I don't really care about because i just want to get the virus out of my body, I will recommend Dr Itua to anyone sick out here to contact Dr Itua with this following information.

    Email...drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com /
    Web: www.drituaherbalcenter.com
    He might be late to respond because he is always busy with patents, but he will surely get back to you with a positive response.
