Thursday 9 November 2017


If there is one chronic condition which has come to define the 21st-century man, it is obesity. Estimates classify 1/3 of the American population as obese while 2/3 are classed as overweight. Similar statistics are reflected in many developed countries with developing countries jumping on the bandwagon due to increasing adoption of Western diets and lifestyles. Further compounding this problem is the sedentary lifestyle, a lack of exercise and genetic predisposition in some individuals.

Weight loss Surgery

Traditional approaches to management of obesity have focused on lifestyle changes, dieting and drugs. There is currently a plethora of dieting regimens, exercise routines and drugs which are offered as options for weight loss. Sadly, however, results from these traditional approaches have been less than satisfactory. Individuals who lose weight tend to regain it in the long run. Even the most disciplined of individuals are not spared of this fate.

In a bid to address this gap created by traditional approaches, other options are being explored to achieve weight loss. One option which has proven effective and promising is Weight loss surgery. Weight loss surgery, bariatric surgery or metabolic surgery makes use of Bariatric techniques which include gastric bypass surgery, transit bipartition, ileal interposition, and sleeve gastrectomy among others.

Weight loss Surgery

These use minimally invasive techniques or laparoscopic approaches during surgery. Impressive and phenomenal results have been posted thus far with many patients attaining weight loss within a short period of time and maintaining stable weight loss over the long term. In addition to causing weight loss, it also has other associated benefits such as improving insulin sensitivity of body cells, increasing insulin secretion, increasing satiety and improving symptoms of metabolic syndrome. All these add up to make it the magic bullet in the management of obesity. The laparoscopic nature of the procedure makes it less fraught with complications during surgery and post-op, less hospital stay, rapid weight loss, and rapid recovery.

Weight loss Surgery

As with all surgical procedures, it has some side effects but these are overshadowed or dwarfed in comparison to the overwhelming benefits of weight loss surgery.

Despite the glaring benefits, is Weight loss surgery open for everyone?

Though a proven treatment option for attaining rapid weight loss, certain criteria make certain patients qualified for weight loss surgery. These indications include the following:

·         Individuals with BMI of 40 and above

·         Patients with BMI of 35 and above who have at least one other obesity-associated health condition which includes type 2 diabetes Mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia etc.

·         Type 2 Diabetic patients with BMI of 30 and above who fail to achieve adequate blood sugar control despite best medical treatment.

·         Patients who have been unable to achieve optimal weight loss despite efforts.

·         Obesity that is refractory to all other interventions.

Individuals who meet any of the above criteria are potential candidates for bariatric surgery. Thus in the light of all the obvious benefits and extreme effectiveness in achieving weight loss in obese individuals, it should not be used as a first line approach, rather, it should be explored only after efforts have been made to adopt a healthy lifestyle and dieting habits. It is when these fail despite disciplined attempts or the patient falls into any of the category described above, do they qualify for weight loss surgery.

Weight loss Surgery

Thus although currently the most effective treatment for obesity, weight loss surgery should not be considered as the first option in the management of obesity and achievement and maintenance of weight control. 


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